
Cakes & Bath Bombs

Before Christmas we held Bath Bomb Making and Cupcake Decorating sessions, which proved to be a huge success with all of those who attended. Artist skills were at the forefront of the cake decorating and olfactory skills for the bath bombs. Graham from Marie’s Emporium was an awesome teacher and his instructions and subject knowledge […]

Sensory Strategies

On Thursday 30th January we have Corinna Laurie holding a talk around the subject of sensory issues, Sensory & Motor Strategies for Support within the Home & Classroom Setting. Places are limited so get your tickets now! What is the talk about? All the information we receive about the world comes through our senses. In […]

Henry & Hetty’s Adventures

We are pleased to announce that books 2, 3 and 4 are now available from Autism South East! Numatic International have given Autism South East the opportunity to bring to you the adventures of Henry and Hetty. Numatics (Henry’s parents) noticed that children with special educational needs loved Henry and his friends, so they decided […]

Henry’s Xmas Adventures

Numatics (Henry’s parents) noticed that children with special educational needs loved Henry and his friends. Numatics decided that they would love Henry to bring some joy to children and so brought the Henry adventures to the world! We are delighted to announce that Numatic International have given Autism South East the opportunity to bring to […]

Happy Halloween

Tips for families with autistic children at Halloween   Halloween can be more trick than treat for autistic people!  Luckily we have some fun ideas that might help… Costumes can be scary from the inside too! Many autistic people and children have sensory sensitivities around clothing, therefore Halloween costumes can be scratchy and overwhelming. Why […]

Top Grade Retrocade!

In conjunction with Reanimated Games, Autism South East held two retro gaming sessions exclusively for people on the spectrum and their friends at The Meeting Place in Dartford earlier today (22nd Oct), and we are pleased to say it went down a treat!  If you enjoyed today or wanted to come but couldn’t make it, […]

Ever In Vogue 2019

Ever In Vogue is a platform where undiscovered designers, Models, Fashion photographer, journalists announce their brand to the fast growing industry.  It’s also a place of diversity – a supportive and inclusive event.  Not only are the models from many nations but the organisers also support the neurodiverse.  We were invited to share autism awareness […]

Help Accessing Services

In a couple of weeks, we’ve got Cerebra coming along to hold a free workshop on accessing public services.  On Saturday 14th September, Autism South East in conjunction with Cerebra will be at Stone St Mary’s School from 10am to 2pm.  The purpose of the workshop is to support families who are encountering difficulties in […]

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